Welcome to Kuchela.net. This site is the online home for the Bhati Jadauns Family of Kuchela and provides information on the history and roots of this illustrious Rajput clan as well as information and updates on the town of Kuchela.
Photo Gallery
Kuchela House Main Entrance A View of Kuchela House Kuchela House Facade Kuchela house in the 60s Handpump in the aangan Leaning Temple of Kuchela Principal, Staff & Students of Subira Devi Memorial School Principal, Staff & Some Students of The School Community Kitchen For A Function Called PUREE Peacocks Roam Freely In Kuchela Ms Bhoopat In A Typical Dress Teachers Of Subira Devi Memorial School Villagers Frying PUREES Crowd Watching The Kuchela Cricket Team Kids Playing Cricket A.K. Misra, The Deisel Shop Owner The Only STD Booth Polio victim PATHRA Feeding Brahmins, For Peace To The Departed Soul. Some shoppers outside a village shop A Kirana Shop Principal Netrapal Singh With His Staff/Students A Low Cost Habitat The Microwave Tower The Golden Fort of Jaisalmer Ramparts Temple